04 July 2009

Days 65-66

29 June 2009  (Day 65)

0415 came too early!  I woke up and slept walked to the latrine to take care of brushing my teeth and shaving before the rush.  We then turned in our linens at 0430 and were then told to turn in our pillows, as well.  We came back upstairs and cleaned the bay and made sure wall lockers were squared away (our drill sergeants told us we would be having a wall locker inspection today!).  Once we were done, we just relaxed (most slept-- I didn't) in the bay until it was for first formation and PT.  PT was fairly easy today, but I still finished without a dry spot on me.  We ran the stairs a few times and did a few minutes of plank exercises.  After PT, we came back to the bay and changed into ACUs.  Once everyone was changed, we went to breakfast.  After breakfast, we had about thirty minutes before wall locker inspection, so we quickly cleaned the bay again and double-checked everyone's lockers to make sure they were organized.  The Captain and First Sergeant arrived at 0830 to check our bay out, and their grade for us was a "step up."  Basically, everyone was squared away and clean, it's just that not everyone had their wall lockers organized the same way.  At least we passed for now, but we'll fix our lockers to be uniform later.  We then left to go to classes over the M240B and M249 (machine guns) until lunch.  The different classes involved learning how to assemble and disassemble the weapons, as well as how to load, unload and clear a jam.  It was then lunch time, so we went to the D-Fac to eat.  When we got back to the formation area, the First Lieutenant came and talked to us about visiting the infantry museum and watching a documentary at the new IMAX attached to the brand new museum (opened about two weeks ago).  After lunch, we came back to the bay.  As a platoon, we didn't do so well during the class (about eight people fell asleep), so we were just waiting for a smoke session, but it didn't come.  Instead, we went downstairs and formed up, then headed out to the half mile track where we run occasionally.  In the middle (and sort of up a hill) there is a large paved area (for families to park during family day).  We went out and practiced D & C (drill and ceremony)!  We have a competition against the other platoons next week, so hopefully we win (the drill sergeants said if we win, they will give us a longer family day pass, but I am skeptical).  I want to win, so we'll see-- Hopefully we practice a lot.  After a couple of hours of slowly going through the routine, we came back to the bay, changed into summer PTs, and then got new linens from downstairs and made our beds.  After about an hour, we went downstairs and waited in formation to go to dinner.  I am trying to eat lots of fruits and vegetables for good energy for my PT test.  Wednesday, and tomorrow, I plan on eating pasta and getting the needed carbs so I can run well!  When we were done with dinner, we went outside for about 45 minutes for some area beautification because tomorrow the commanding general is stopping by 1-50th, so our chain of command wants us to look good.  When we got done beautifying the area, we went upstairs and redid our wall lockers so everyone's looked the same.  When we finished, we took showers, changed into clean summer PTs, and headed down for final formation.  We got mail (a letter from Brittney, her mom, and two from my dad with news articles and the State Fair brochure!), so after formation, I went upstairs and read it, mailed a letter home, finished today's journal, and then went to bed!  No fireguard tonight, so a full night's sleep!  

30 June 2009  (Day 66)

Last night was not fun, but at the same time, it was better than getting smoked.  Apparently third platoon's fireguard miscounted their weapons, so at 2300 when the drill sergeant on duty came around, he caught the error, so he woke up the entire company and we had to be down in formation within two minutes.  We then had a little competition between the platoons on changing from PTs into ACUs, and back down in formation.  We lost the first round, so second platoon, which won, got to go back to bed.  We then had to change back into PTs from ACUs, and we lost again, to third platoon.  The next round was back into ACUs, which we were quicker than fourth platoon, so we got to go to bed.  I don't know what happened to fourth platoon, because I went back to bed fast. 
When I woke up at first call, I couldn't see out of my left eye.  I went to the bathroom and it was swollen shut.  I washed the crud out of my eye, and realized I had caught the pink eye that had been going around.  Luckily, it's not in both eyes, and the other guys who have had it passed along their eye drops, so I have that to use.  Apparently it will have puss in it for the next 3-4 days, and it will go away in about a week (cleared up just in time for family day!).  So anyway, we changed into ACUs and got our full battle rattle ready and staged it in the formation area until it was time to put it on and get on the buses at 0600.  The first range we arrived at was to learn about and fire tracer rounds from an AT4 (anti-tank missile).  First, we dropped all of our gear and ate breakfast.  After we ate, we broke off into platoons and the range cadre taught us about the AT4, and everyone had an AT4 to practice with (an AT4 can only be used once, so after it's fired, you're left with just the casting).  We went through the process of how to set it up, fire it, misfires, and what to do if you have to leave it behind.  After the class, we got in line to shoot tracer rounds from a modified AT4 built for training.  I was in the last group to shoot, so instead of getting the three rounds to fire, I ended up shooting a dozen because they wanted to use up all the rounds designated for our group.  I didn't complain, because I enjoyed it!  If Brittney can find a video on YouTube about the AT4, add the link here :

When we finished shooting, we quickly ate MREs, put our gear back on, and then got on the buses to transit to our next range to shoot the M203 (attachment for the M16 or M4 that shoots grenades).  Right before we pulled in, a police car flew by the bus, and then after we unloaded, an ambulance went by followed closely by another police car.  In the distance, we heard and then saw a helicopter fly overhead, and then our drill sergeant told us to clear the parking lot and press up against the fence.  About a minute later, dust was flying everywhere, and the helicopter that passed overhead earlier was landing about 60 ft. behind us!  By this time, we knew something wasn't right, and the ambulance came back with a young man on a stretcher.  I peeked over my shoulder and noticed that his left bicep was wrapped, as well as his right hand.  After he was loaded, the helicopter took off and we were told to go to the bleachers and await further instructions about the M203.  Before the class got started, the range cadre told us that the even that just happened was when you don't let go of something that goes boom fast enough (assumed it was a grenade).  We continued with training and then went up to the range to shoot the M203s.  Everyone got at least nine TP rounds (Training Purpose rounds).  They were non-exposure, and sent a cloud of orange chalk into the air on impact.  It was fun, but I was glad to be heading back to the bay when we were done.  The dust and gravel that the helicopter kicked up really irritated my eye, so when we got back, I washed it out and took a relaxing shower.  We then changed into PTs and cleaned our weapons since they were also covered from the helicopter.  We packed our weapons and locked them up when it was time for dinner.  I ate some pasta, fruit, vegetables, and a glass of milk to help fuel my body for tomorrow's PT test!  I have to do well, so keep me in your prayers that all went well!  After dinner, we had detail policing the front parking lot, and once we finished there, we went upstairs to clean the bay, and I threw a load of clothes into the washer.  We had final formation and then I swapped my clothes into the dryer.  I had Hackler (one in the parachuting picture) bring my dry clothes up, so I could get a little extra sleep tonight since I have fireguard.  I cleaned my eye out and put in some eye drops before I fell asleep praying to do well on my PT test tomorrow!

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