05 August 2009

Days 97-99

31 July 2009  (Day 97- 14 days to go)


We woke up this morning at 0530, and I was moving really slow.  I was tired, but glad that today was going to be the end!  This morning's routine was the same as the last few days: Put on ACUs (wet and dirty- ugh!), went to formation, breakfast truck arrived, duty squad unloaded it, served breakfast, and cleaned up.  I then headed back and decided, because I was chafing, I needed to wear my last clean pair of ACUs.  I changed, then the entire platoon tore down the hooches (shelters) and broke down our control base.  We took all of our rucks to the area we have been forming up in, and then waited for further instructions.  When the drill sergeants were ready, it was time to start the bayonet.  We put on our FLCs and our patrol caps (PCs), then walked about a mile to our first lane (AKA station).  Let me explain just what the bayonet is.  It is a four hour smoke session.  Period.  Sure, we do things "Army related," but it is the last smoking before we go to Honor Hill.  With that said, we arrived to our first station (in the rain) and one squad had to make five laps around water jugs carrying a person on a stretcher.  The squad waiting to go then had to low crawl to the water jugs and high crawl back, and the other squads were smoked with the good old fashioned pushups, mountain climbers and flutter kicks.  Each squad rotated until all squads had completed each task.  After an hour of this, we ran to our next lane, which was a half mile ammo can carry.  The rain had stopped, and it started to get really hot and humid when we started up again.  One squad ran the half mile carry four sixty pound ammo cans, while the other three squads did PT waiting for their turn.  We were given a couple of water breaks, but they ran out of water, so we went to the next lane hoping for more. Nothing.  We waited in the shade, but the heat was already too bad, and Salado went down.  He was IVed and taken away for more medical treatment.  We waited about a half hour, and finally the deuce came with the water buffalo and everyone drank up and topped off.  Because of the heat and humidity, we went to heat category five (roll up our pants and sleeves), and the other two lanes we were supposed to do were cancelled!  That was fine with me, because my butt had been kicked over the last two hours of physical endurance and being out in the heat.  After an hour of resting in the shade, we went to where we had done the react to contact training, and picked up brass.  Each squad in all the platoons went through, so there was a lot of shooting through a lot of woods.  We spent a good hour picking up brass before returning back to base camp and meeting back up with Salado.  On the way back, it sprinkled a little, but we made it back just in time to grab MREs for lunch and cover our rucks before the real storm hit.  We were issued wet weather gear (camp rain pants and rain coat), but apparently we aren't allowed to wear it.  So, we sat in the middle of a field, eating our MREs, during a thunderstorm.  Again, we were soaked through.  The rain finally stopped after 45 minutes, and we began the process of drying, changing socks and other clothing for the ruck march, now just a few hours away!  It was a pretty nice afternoon.  We just sat around doing foot maintenance (sitting on our rucks with our boots and socks off, applying foot powder) and resting our bodies.  I got mole skin for a hot spot on my heel and applied baby powder (thanks, Mom!) to help with my worsened chafing.  The drill sergeants finally got bored and had the privates who did good impersonations of drill sergeants come over and perform for them.  Everyone had a good laugh, because the impersonations were spot on!  Down to their voices and mannerisms-- it was really funny!  The deuce with the water buffalo arrived with a full load of water, so it was time to fill up on water and get our gear on.  We stepped off at 1800, and began our journey to Honor Hill.  We took a little over four hours, and I felt well prepared.  I had snacks in my pocket from MREs, and drank three camelbacks of water (300 fl. oz.).  I ended with sore feet and a sore back, but I truly felt I could have kept going.  We stopped about 500 meters short of the entrance, and another company was lined up on both sides of the road.  Our drill sergeants threw a couple of flash bangs, and the line of trainees along the road began to clap and cheer for us as we marched by.  We marched to Honor Hill, grounded our rucks, grabbed our canteen cups, and filled them up with "grog" as we went inside the ceremonial ring.  We were congratulated by our battalion commander and drank to a toast.  Our drill sergeants came around and pinned our cross rifle infantry pin on our ACUs, and congratulated us.  When it was all over, we went back out, put our rucks back on, and went down the hill back to our barracks.  We checked our weapons in to make sure they were all there, and then went upstairs to check through our equipment.  Around midnight, we got showers, went downstairs to eat our dinner MRE, and then got linen for our beds.  I didn't even bother making my bed, so I laid a sheet down, put my pillow case on, and fell asleep.  I dreamt of being home with loved ones, and was glad that my basic training was now complete.  Thirteen days left, and all I have to do is clean gear, get refitted for clothes, and practice for graduation!  I am so glad to be done and make it through injury-free!  Keep me in your prayers, and I will see you all soon!

01 August 2009  (Day 98- 13 days to go)

Today begins gold phase!  Only two weeks left, and I can't wait for this time to go by.  What a better way to start it off than with a fire guard shift with Salado at 0400, two and a half hours after we fell asleep!  Oh well, I spent the time writing and catching up in my journal, since yesterday we were busy with the bayonet and ruck march.  I mailed out two letters with my journals to Brittney, finished out my shift, and then went back to sleep.  Wake up was at 0730, and we got up, brushed teeth, and shaved.  We formed up and went to breakfast in the D-Fac at 0800, and then went back upstairs to clean the bay (as well as we could-- everyone had their stuff everywhere).  I then took my dirty laundry downstairs to wash it, and at 0930, everyone went downstairs and did nothing but sit in our formation area, cleaning our M4s, inside and out until lunch at 1300!  After lunch, we continued cleaning our M4s (which mine was basically done before lunch), but we just tried to look busy.  The only rules were to stay awake, stay out of the bay (unless using the latrine), and keep cleaning (look busy) our M4s, and we would get phone calls that evening!  I made sure to do all three things, because I really wanted that phone call.  At 1630, we got ready for dinner, ate, and returned to the formation area.  First and third platoons got to use the phones first (our drill sergeant was on duty for the day), and I called my parents because I hadn't gotten to talk to them for a couple weeks!  We talked for about 8 minutes, and so I called Brittney for about another five minutes!  After phone calls, it was up to the bay to relax before a... fun night.  We had formation at 2030, and then lights out was at 2100, and that's when things got fun.  Every two hours, each platoon had to have one squad awake cleaning gear for two hours, so first squad was up from 2100-2300... and then my squad had from 0300-0500.  All we did was clean our gear by scrubbing it with soap and water, and just made sure any dirt or stains were rubbed off.  I had my stuff that I was going to try to get done finished about 20 minutes early, so I just waited around and helped others until it was 0500.  I got my stuff out of the dryer, went back upstairs, and got about another 45 minutes of sleep before first call.

02 August 2009  (Day 99- 12 days to go)

Wake up was at 0600, but I went back to sleep for another 45 minutes on the floor.  We had first formation at 0700, and then we went back upstairs.  I took a shower, changed into clean ACUs for church, and then went downstairs for breakfast.  After breakfast, we headed to church, where today's service was from Genesis 5 :21-24.  Enoch went the first 65 years without God, but then found Him and continued to walk WITH the Lord for the next 300 years.  We walk WITH the Lord and he doesn't walk with us, and just  like we started off on our 12 mile ruck march and earned our cross rifle pins, this is just the beginning.  We need to be like Enoch and continue to walk with the Lord for the rest of our lives and be faithful to the Army until our contract is completed.  After church, we walked back to our barracks, changed into PTs, and spent the morning cleaning the bay, beautifying the area, and making sure all of our TA-50 gear was clean (the gear cleaned last night... ruck sack, ACH cover, FLC, sleep pad, IBA... our battle rattle/digital camo tactical gear).  At 1300, we went to lunch, and then I looked through my gear and re- hand washed  the gear that still looked dirty.  Our drill sergeants told us that if our gear isn't clean enough, we would be held over and not graduate with everyone else, so I am making sure everything I have is as clean as I can get it.  So after I hand washed it, I put it in the washer to give it a third wash!  After it was washed, I put it in the dryer, and got it out about an hour later.  While I was waiting for my TA-50 to clean and dry, I wrote and caught up on all my journals and a couple of letters.  When my gear was dry, I put it back together and relaxed in the bay.  At 1730, it was time for dinner, and I guess there was a mess left behind, so the drill sergeant on duty told the company to clean up after ourselves.  We had a few minutes up in the bay before we had a formation at 1830.  When we got down there, the drill sergeant had left to pick someone up at the hospital, and left behind the instructions to wait downstairs in formation until he got back.  He said for first and third platoons to go upstairs and take showers while second and fourth used the phones (since we used them yesterday).  I returned back upstairs , did a small workout to boost my metabolism for dinner, and then it was time for final formation.  The drill sergeant read off people who needed dental appointments, and what we had going on this week (roughly 10 briefings or so).  We went back upstairs.  I took a shower, and then headed to bed.  Hopefully this week is fairly easy, and it goes by fast without incident!

REMINDER:  Send all mail no later than August 7th, or there is a chance I might not get it here!

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