Last night, I had to do laundry, so I had the fireguard wake me up at 0200 so I could wash and dry Salado and I's clothes before the laundry room closed at 0400. You have to stay in the laundry room to watch your clothes, so I "guarded" the laundry room from 0200-0300, and Salado had CQ last night, so he took our clothes out of the dryer and brought them up to our bay. I went to bed on time last night, and finished yesterday's journal and wrote home (sorry it wasn't a long letter, but I needed to get back to sleep) while I was waiting on the clothes. All of our down time lately I haven't been able to write, so when I wrote letters before, I now have to write in my journal. So anyway, I woke up again at 0450, got ready to go to PT, and then rolled my laundry until it was time to go. PT was interesting today. It poured down rain the entire time, and we did pushups and ab workouts in about a 2-3 inch puddle of water, and let me tell you, it wasn't that fun, but there is nothing I could do about it, so I got soaked and focused on my workout! We came back inside, dried off quickly, changed into ACUs, and headed to breakfast. At breakfast, we got our FLCs and ACHs together, and then waited while some people had to get shots before we headed off for training (I didn't need a shot!!!). Second and fourth platoons did GFT today, while first and third went to a building, where we shot M4s hooked up to air compressors that would give a recoil. It was fun, and I shot all five shots within 2.1 cm. The worst thing about it is it rained all day, so it was a 15 minutes march there and a 15 minute march back in the pouring down rain in full ACUs. Oh well, we got back in the afternoon and thoroughly cleaned our weapons for about 90 minutes, and then headed to dinner. After dinner, we got mail!!! Brittney sent me one, her Aunt Debbie from North Carolina sent one, my dad sent one, and both my Grandma Reinbold and Grandma Sease sent me one! I started reading my letters when the drill sergeant came back in with more mail, and I got another letter from Brittney! It had been awhile since we had gotten mail, so it was nice to have time to read them tonight! I then hopped in the shower to wash off the day's rain, and then got ready for final formation. Rumor has it we will be getting phone calls this weekend, but I won't get my hopes up. It has been nearly four weeks since I have gotten to talk to family, so I do want a phone call, but these letters really do help! Sorry I haven't had a chance to reply lately. Hopefully no one is caught with a cell phone this weekend, and I get my Sunday to write!!! After final formation, and getting our liquid cheese (warm milk), I came back upstairs, and Spence and I had first fireguard, so I get a solid sleep tonight (2200-0445)! Family day is just over five weeks away, so I been gone longer that I have left until I get to see my parents and Brittney!!! Keep sending letters, and I will keep writing journals. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!
05 May 2009 (Day 41)
I woke up and took are of the usual cleaning and then did PT. At today's PT, we did a company run, which was only about two miles. I made a mistake though. I forgot to take off my ring when I woke up, and so it went with me to PT (we are not allowed to wear rings in the military unless it is a wedding band). I took it off and tied it off in my PT shorts draw string, except when I got back from the run, it wasn't there. I felt a little sick through breakfast, because that ring means a lot to me, being a major symbol of Brittney and I's relationship. I came to terms with losing it, thoug (It is the only thing I have that is non-military that's Brittney and I's), because I know I am not losing Brittney, and at least objects can be replaced. *SIGH* At least family day is coming up in five weeks! So anyway, after breakfast we did GFT until lunch. I won my match, but only did that one because it was mandatory, and I am really trying to play it safe and not get hurt. We have our company tournament tomorrow, so I have on or two more matches. After today's matches were over, people challenged each other (I was asked privately, but turned them down). After we ate our MREs for lunch, we cleaned the mats off and put them away. We then went up to the bay, changed into PTs, and headed outside to the PT field. First platoon (mine) was out there for about an hour before the other platoons joined us, and we did organized PT with them for another hour. That was extremely tiring! We came back to the bay, took showers, and got into formation for dinner. When dinner was over, we returned to the bay for a platoon meeting ran by our PG (platoon guide). It was pointless and our platoon doesn't really respect him because he was the guy who ratted on the person with the cell phone. After our meeting, we conducted bay maintenance and cleaned up everything. I started a load of laundry and then we had final formation at 2045, and got more mail (one from mom and one from dad), and more milk. At 2120, I hung out in the laundry room writing today's journal and writing a couple of letters, trying to play catch up! Also, I found out you may send packages as long as it is stuff that I am allowed to have (no food, candy, newspapers, stupid stuff really, etc...), and Dad, you can mail newspaper articles in you letters now. I would prefer letters still over packages, so keep the morale coming! Hopefully after our GFT tournaments tomorrow, we will be given more time to write and unwind! I think about you all often, and hope you are all enjoying your summer. Keep praying and I should make it through!
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