24 June 2009

Days 56-57

20 June 2009  (Day 56)

Alright, I wasn't sure how to start out today's journal, so I won't hold it in...I PASSED MY PT TEST!!!  Now to the beginning!  I woke up at 0255 for my fireguard shift with Salado, and used it to stretch out and pray.  I asked God to give me the strength to do well today!  At 0330, Salado and I woke up the bay, took the trash and mail out, and then came back to clean the latrine.  At 0415, we went downstairs and lined up in our lines for our test.  Pushups were first.  Salado pumped out 90, so I didn't have a tough act to follow...HA!  I needed 35 to score the minimum 50 points...I scored a 52 with 36 pushups!  Next was sit-ups.  Last time I had 55 total, this time I improved to 60 for a score of 71. Then for my two mile run...DUN DUN DUN...I shaved 1:56 off my last time, going from 17:41 to 15:45!  That was good enough for a score of 61, which brought my final PT score to 184!  I scored at least a 50 in each category, which is the requirement to have the family day pass!  At the end of the summer, all scores have to be at least 60, so I am getting close to that!  It is such a relief to know that I can pass the PT test now, and that I am only going to keep getting better, and that I have the capabilities to earn my family pass, and in three weeks when we so PT to earn it, I will have it!  So after our PT test, we went back up to the bay and changed into sterile ACUs, because GFT was part of our phase 2 testing (weeks 4-6).  We then headed to breakfast, and then held a red robin going to each platoon's area, which tested us on how to load and unload a magazine, how to clear a jam or double feed, and the process of fixing it (S.P.O.R.T.S. - Slap the magazine, Pull the trigger, Observe the chamber, Release the bolt to go forward, Tap the forward assist, and either Squeeze the trigger or put the weapon on Safe).  Next, we headed over to third platoon's area, where we had a written test over everything that we couldn't demonstrate.  Fourth platoon was next, and we were given a scenario, and we had to show the proper first aid for it (mine was a bullet wound to the upper thigh).  We then ran out of time for our last test, because it was time for lunch!  After lunch, it was time for our last test over GFT in second platoon's area.  We then went up to our bay and enjoyed the AC, and then changed into summer PTs to head outside to do some area beautification.  We were just in charge of cleaning the entire formation area, and once we had finished, it was free time up in the bay.  I wrote Jody Winko back, and then headed to dinner.  After dinner was all free time, so I took a nap and just enjoyed my evening off.  I did a little upper body workout and then took a shower.  We then had our milk formation and got...our milk!  After milk, we had a half hour in our bay before we had final formation (we were supposed to get mail, but didn't).  We came back upstairs and had a head count, then got into bed.

21 June 2009  (Day 57) 

Happy Fathers' Day!!!  Dad, I hope you had a great day today, and I want you to know I thought about you and appreciate all you have done today and every day.  It was nice to sleep from about 2130-0600!  I woke up at my normal time, but it wasn't hard to lay there and go back to sleep!  We took our time getting ready this morning, because we didn't have to be anywhere until 0745 for breakfast.  Those who were going to the Protestant service went first like usual, and we got to church right before the service started.  Today, the chaplain had his family there and mentioned how blessed he was for being a father.  We sang a few songs and then got into the scripture.  Today's service was over Daniel chapter six, which is the story of Daniel in the lion's den.  Basically, we need to live like Daniel did, and have our moments each day alone with God.  The Devil prowls around every day like a lion, trying to tempt us, and we need to ask God for his help keeping the lions at bay, and only do God's work!  The pastor's daughter then came up (she just graduated from college with a degree in sign language of some sort), and signed to the song "Letters Home" by John Michael Montgomery.  Some of the guys teared up at the part where the soldier received a letter from his father telling him just how proud of him he was (being Fathers' Day, I thought that was relevant).  After church, we marched back, and it was up to the bay until lunch.  The platoon has to turn in a design for a T-shirt tomorrow, so people are drawing different designs that we will vote on later in the day.  After lunch, we got word of two people who came back from church and were caught using the pay phone down street outside of the PX.  Rumor has it through the PNN (Private News Network...hearing/being told something from another private), that we won't be getting phone calls today, which really bites.  I got to call Brittney Friday as a result of winning the competition, and now I don't get to wish my father a Happy Fathers' Day.  Dad, know that I was at least thinking about you!  So we spent the day in the bay just cleaning and hanging out (wishing I could have a phone call today) until dinner time.  After dinner, we went back to doing nothing, when our PG told us we got five minute phone calls for Fathers' Day (would be longer, but because of the incident, fourth platoon didn't get phone calls and ours were restricted).  So I waited for my turn and called my dad (fumbled with the phone card info -  one minute down).  We talked for a very short and fast two minutes, and then I talked to Brittney for the last portion of my call.  Five minutes goes by way too fast, but I had jotted down a brief outline of what I wanted to say during my phone calls so I was prepared!  I actually didn't cry for either phone call, but that is probably because I was rushed, and didn't have time to think about my emotions!  
After phone calls, we came upstairs and packed our rucksacks, because we have a six mile road march in the morning!  We then had our final formation and some milk!  Afterwards, we came back upstairs and voted on the t-shirt design and went to bed.  Less than three weeks until I see my family, so keep me in your prayers and let these next few weeks go by fast!

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