04 May 2009

Days 4-5

29 APR 2009 (Day 4)

I woke up with a new mindset...I will continue on and I will pass!  I know it's going to be tough, but I can't let my supporters at home down, and most of all, myself.  I got myself into this mess, so the only way out is to keep pushing strong.  The word around the army is that Benning has the toughest Basic Training.  Come August 12th or so, I am going to be glad I went through and made it through one of the worst moments in my life (Only the death of a family member outranks this).  Anyway, today we had to get our shots.  Yeah, I hate shots, but I got lucky (at least today) and didn't have to get the worst one, in the butt, because I am allergic to penicillin.  I also had a brief dental checkup.  Of course I passed with flying colors, and there's not much left to do that could keep me from shipping on to Basic.  I'm trying to break my boots in.  My heels are a little sore, and my right heel had a blister and was a little raw.  Oh well, I'll just get a nice callus to keep it rough and from hurting.  On a positive note, we had steak for lunch (and leftovers for dinner).  I only ate it at lunch.  Right now, it is hectic.  We had to pack everything up and head to a new bay (room that holds 68 people).  I hope I get a phone call home soon, but I guess the longer I go without it, the easier it might be.  (Although, it would be easiest to just be able to call everyday :)).  I only have a couple of minutes until lights out, so I'm out tonight.  I love everyone and you're in my thoughts always.

30 APR 2009 (Day 5)

Last night I had firewatch.  My battle buddy and I wake up at our assigned time and patrol our bay.  We're supposed to stop people from going AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave), as well as clean the latrines.  After my firewatch, which was from 0330-0430 (the last shift), I got dressed in my ACUs (Army Combat Uniform) and formed up outside and went to breakfast.  Basic is harder than reception, so I've been told, and meals here are still very structured.  We line up along the wall in parade rest (Feet shoulder width apart and hands together in the small of the back).  Anyway, they feed us well and we have about 5 minutes to eat.  Sit down, heels together, feet flat on the floor, don't talk, and eat fast.  I don't really mind it.  I'm getting used to the schedule and the formality of it all, but this is only a taste of what is to come.  After breakfast, my company took care of payroll and life insurance while I am active duty during training.  It wasn't too bad, but the group is ready to get out of reception.  There are a few guys who want to visit with the chaplain to get out of what they signed up for.  I had the same ideas on Tuesday, but this is something that I know I can do, and although it's time away from loved ones, I have to do this.  We got our pictures taken today, but they want $31 for a package of a dozen wallets, four 8" x 5", and like two 8 1/2" x 11".  I don't think it is worth that, but I will probably buy the DVD and company photo.  I still haven't received my PFC (Private First Class) rank emblem for my uniform, but I have about a week to get that still.  I did, however, get my dog tags, so that is cool.  We learned a little drill and ceremony tonight, as well.  It was alright, but it got boring.  People are still talking and messing around, so we have had to do some pushups.  My heels are raw still, so I switched to my more cushioned winter boots (hotter).  They helped my feet out, but they aren't the best.  Oh well, hopefully my feet heal before heading down range.  I love everyone at home a lot... Keep me in your prayers.
...Crud, new news.  I don't have a Basic Training graduation in July, but a graduation at the end of everything in August.  I might have a few days off in between for family to visit, though.  We'll see.

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