Today begins a life-changing journey. My parents dropped me off at the Radisson hotel in Carmel at 8:00 pm (2200 in military time), and stayed about an hour. Remembering the evening brings back tears to my eyes, because to know that I actually volunteered to leave my loving family and the comforts of my home is mind-boggling. The best thing about it is the fact that I know hundreds of thousands have done this before me, and that I get to see everyone in a little over nine weeks. Anyone who doesn't serve, seriously take the time to thank someone who has been to basic. Just the process of leaving everyone is more difficult than imagined. I thought I had mentally prepared for this, but it was nothing like I thought it would be. To help my family and Brittney cope with me being gone this summer, I made them videos to give a weekly update from the previous week at Basic. When Dana (my sister), left to Japan to teach English, she set up a Skype account. Since I don't have access to a computer or internet, the best I could do was a video. I just wish I had videos to watch of my family. Oh well, hopefully it goes by fast. Graduation for Basic Training is somewhere around the 4th of July (Cool huh!) and then I will be done on August 7th with AIT. Anyway, it's 10:30pm (2230) and I have a 0430 wake up time (I will use military time from here on out). I'll let everyone know how things go tomorrow!
27 Apr 2009 (Day 2)
I am currently flying to Ft. Benning, but my day hasn't been as easy going as it is now. My roommate at the hotel last night was an odd character. For some reason, he set an alarm for 0330. Why? I have no idea. Previously the night before, I asked him his name, but I guess that was his cue to roll over in bed and throw the covers over his head. But now, on such a short night's sleep, he woke up an hour early. He got up, showered, packed his belongings (loudly) and was out of the room by 0405. (I then proceeded to settle back into my Sleep Number bed for an additional 30 minutes of shut-eye). Anyway, I finally got up when I was supposed to and got ready myself. Ate a light breakfast of cereal, juice, and a few potatoes with sausage and bacon (2 pieces of each). Everyone who was going to ship or enlist was on a bus and heading to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) by 0530. I had another quick weigh-in and medical check up to make sure I could ship, and then got to wait around with Brittney and her mom at 0800, and then my dad, grandma, and grandpap came at 1000. I was called up a little later to go into the room where the mock swearing in ceremony was to take place. Afterwards, I got to visit with my family before having to leave for my transportation briefing. This was the last time I got to see my dad and grandparents until July at my Basic Training graduation. Brittney and her mom had already left for the airport to see me off there along with my mom. Meanwhile, I got my flight details (1455 out of Indy to St. Loius, and 1710 flight out of St. Loius to Atlanta). At the airport it got really hard. I love my family too much. I called my mom while I was traveling to the airport to ask if she could pick me up a notepad for me to write my journals in. The sound of my mom's voice has a strong effect on me. I would have to say I'm a momma's boy, because as soon as I saw her at the airport (along with Brittney and her mom), I almost instantly broke down. I love the women in my life and I wouldn't trade anything for any one of them. I enjoyed my hour I had with them before I had to leave (which was hard), but I've since talked on the phone with them and been able to ease my mind drifting in and out of sleep on the plane. Not having a cell phone at basic might be more difficult then basic itself, just because I rely on Brittney (and my mom) so much. Writing these daily journals should help with that while I'm gone, but I can't wait until I will be home this summer. The plane is about to land in Atlanta, so I'm only a bus ride away from being at my home for the summer.
28 Apr 2009 (Day 3)
Today has been tough. Really tough. I have been second-guessing this decision all afternoon. I'm sure it's just a minor (semi-major) case of homesickness, but right now I think I'll still tough it out. For starters, I haven't slept yet. I had a little nap each flight, but nothing that helped. When we pulled into Ft. Benning, we unloaded off the bus (which I had a good last phone call with Brittney). The drill SGT had us do paper work and get PT gear (physical training gear) and bedding stuff. But, by the time we could have gone to sleep, we had 30 minutes to shave and form up outside. Then, today has been going by really slowly. We got dental x-rays and mouth guards made for our hand-to-hand combat days. After that, we got our heads shaved and military ID pictures taken. We went shopping at the PX and got everything we needed for Basic (and no, there weren't any posters for Brittney's dad). The next bit of new was the worst...I won't be going "down range" (or leaving for Basic) until May 6th. That's 7 days from now!!! I'm going to try to talk and see if I can't go this Friday due to school obligations in August, but we'll see. That's just another week not being able to see my family. This is going to bite. We got our ACUs (Army Combat Uniforms) and boots, which took over three hours. I've had too much time to think and not enough sleep. I've just wanted to cry, but I'm trying to stay strong. The day ended with the drill SGT giving words of inspiration to help boost my morale. I can't wait until August.
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